Bouquet of dried phalaris in different pastel colours. Pink pastel phalaris, pastel blue phalaris , lilac phalaris and white phalaris bundled in a beautiful bouquet. Height of this phalaris pastel bouquet is 60 centimetres. Read more.
A bouquet made of one of the most favourite dried grasses we sell and then also in these beautiful pastel shades. This pastel-coloured Phalaris bouquet is composed of soft pink, blue, lilac and white. The bouquet has a length of over 50 cm which makes it fit perfectly in any average vase.
Make sure to store the bouquet in a dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight, to preserve the colour and quality of the Phalaris. Once composed, this bouquet can be a beautiful decorative accent in your home, at a party or as a gift for a special occasion.