Bouquet of silk flowers "White Lightning" with predominantly white silk flowers and green artificial branches. A gorgeous bouquet of silk flowers that you will enjoy for decades. Order your silk bouquet now at Read more.
A bouquet of white silk flowers for an elegant yet modern touch. The "White Lightning" bouquet is a beautiful bouquet of white silk flowers and green artificial branches. The flowers are made of high-quality materials and look lifelike. The bouquet is composed of different types of white flowers, such as a white silk rose, a white silk Delphinium and a white silk Gloriosa. The flowers are arranged in a modern and elegant style.
The bouquet is perfect for a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary or wedding. It also makes a great gift for someone you appreciate. Please note; this bouquet of silk flowers is sold without vase.
Specifications bouquet of silk flowers "White Lightning":
Maintenance bouquet silk flowers "White Lightning":
You can dust the flowers with a feather duster. Should they become very dusty, you can put them in lukewarm soapy water and let them dry on a towel. This way the colour will be preserved.
Order bouquet of silk flowers "White Lightning":
The bouquet of silk flowers "White Lightning" is now available in our webshop. Order today and receive the bouquet within a few days.