Reserved reindeer moss in the colour fuchsia pink and is available per box of 500 grams from Bries aan Zee. The reindeer moss can be used as decoration and requires no maintenance. Create the most beautiful dried flower arrangements and moss paintings. Read more.
Reserved reindeer moss in the colour fuchsia pink and is available per box of 500 grams from Bries aan Zee.
Reindeer moss can be used in many different ways for decorative purposes. Please note, however, use the preserved moss indoors only. Thanks to the preserving process, the reindeer moss needs no maintenance and watering is a strong discouragement as otherwise the colour can pull out of the moss. Want to use the reindeer moss in a creative way? Then make a moss painting or incorporate it into a (dried) flower arrangement. Of course, it is also beautiful to decorate walls with different colours of reindeer moss. The reindeer moss consists of many wedge-shaped branches and is soft, giving it a natural and forest-like appearance. The moss can also be used as a sound absorber or too acoustic panel.
The advantages of reindeer moss: