The Green Monstera Deliciosa Tauerii is a tropical eye-catcher for any interior. With its lush leaves and robust appearance, it adds elegance and vitality to any space. Read more.
The Green Monstera Deliciosa Tauerii houseplant is an impressive addition to any interior collection. With its lush green leaves and robust appearance, this plant brings a touch of tropical elegance to any space. This houseplant is not only a visual statement but also a symbol of natural beauty and vitality. Perfect for businesses looking to enhance their workspaces with a touch of greenery, or for florists seeking striking plants for their clients.
This Monstera Deliciosa is a product of the renowned brand ME and falls within the categories Wholesale Houseplants and Wholesale Plants. With a pot size of 21 centimetres and a height of 80 centimetres, this plant offers an impressive presence without being overpowering. The plant is delivered individually, providing flexibility for business customers who wish to tailor their purchase to specific project needs. The natural materials and green colour of the Monstera make it an excellent choice for sustainable and environmentally conscious decoration solutions.