Buy fresh Nutans or Leucospermum flowers online. This South African autumn bloomer is officially called Leucospermum Cordifolium. Fortunately, we can also just call it "Pincushion". As you can see, this name refers to its similar inflorescence. The beautiful flower comes across as a bit prickly at first, but it soon turns out to have not pins, but exuberant and enthusiastic sprites.
COLOURS & FORMS - fresh Nutans or Leucospermum
The originally orange flower is now also available in ochre yellow, lemon yellow and a reddish colour. The sturdy leaves are slightly hairy and point upwards along the twig. The leaves are covered with a thin layer of wax, as protection from the salty sea breeze... but indoors it probably doesn't really need it.
SYMBOLIC - fresh Nutans or Leucospermum
The name Leucospermum comes from Greek and literally means white seed. Cordifolium means with heart-shaped leaves. This would make you think that there is a hefty symbolism behind this flower. But alas, the symbolic value is something you have to create yourself. The different colours all do have their own meaning.
ORIGIN - fresh Nutans or Leucospermum
The South African small tree originally grew along rocky slopes on the coasts in the southwest of the Cape of Good Hope. Now the pincushion is also produced in Israel and Australia.